METAV Night in 1980s style

When net­work­ing, name­ly the estab­lish­ment and main­te­nance of per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al con­tacts, meets par­ty, an infor­mal cel­e­bra­tion with food and drink as well as music and dance, this reflects the inten­tion of the first METAV Night on the occa­sion of METAV’s 40th anniver­sary.  In the past, we were used to exhibitors cel­e­brat­ing exclu­sive­ly amongst themselves.…

International b2b Meetings at EMO Hannover: Using trade fair days efficiently with the Enterprise Europe Network

The world’s lead­ing trade fair for met­al­work­ing tak­ing place from 16 to 21 Sep­tem­ber 2019, will once again attract deci­­sion-mak­ers from all over the world. With the help from Handw­erk Inter­na­tion­al Baden-Würt­tem­berg and the Enter­prise Europe Net­work, entre­pre­neurs will get into con­ver­sa­tion with each oth­er. “Find­ing the right busi­ness part­ner abroad is like look­ing for a…