METAVs favourite: stand cookies!

An event­ful year is draw­ing to a close. The days are get­ting short­er, the nights cold­er and con­tem­pla­tion is com­ing. But Christ­mas time is also time for cook­ies. That’s why we went to the bak­ery and baked our favourite cook­ies: Stand cook­ies! You may have seen them on social media… 

Christmas time is cookie time: Employees from the Press and Public Relations, Trade Fair and Research and Technology departments have therefore joined the bakery. The results are suitable photos for social media for all exhibitors of #METAV2020 who have registered so far. Here the METAV stand place greets with its friends.
Christ­mas time is cook­ie time: Employ­ees from the Press and Pub­lic Rela­tions, Trade Fair and Research and Tech­nol­o­gy depart­ments have there­fore joined the bak­ery. The results are suit­able pho­tos for social media for all exhibitors of #METAV2020 who have reg­is­tered so far. Here the METAV stand place greets with its friends.

With com­bined forces from the depart­ments press & pub­lic, fair, research and tech­nol­o­gy and some more friends, we met in the morn­ing of the 1st Advent to knead dough, to prick cook­ies and to dec­o­rate. In Decem­ber 2018 we’ve baked “only” cook­ies for the EMO Han­nover, but this year there should be a much greater vari­ety: in addi­tion to the proven motif, round about 100 umati del­i­ca­cies and a good 350 bis­cuits with exhibitor names from METAV 2020 were to be cre­at­ed in order to be send each exhibitor a social media-com­pat­i­ble pho­to of his or her stand cook­ie. In order to push the kitchen bat­tle to the top, fur­ther 50 VDW cook­ies and 50 blank stand cook­ies were planned.

Because a sur­prise only works if it remains a sur­prise for as long as pos­si­ble, max­i­mum secre­cy was called for in advance. After work, exhibitor lists were drawn up in the emp­ty office, motifs were cre­at­ed with the help of a secret part­ner and around 450 print­ed wafers were pro­duced in addi­tion to a umati bis­cuit shape. For dec­o­ra­tion, fir branch­es, fruits, nuts and a string of lights helped us to cre­ate the per­fect christ­mas feel­ing and cre­at­ed the social-media pic­tures very artfully.

With nine kilo­grams of dough, we’we startet the work: roll out the dough, cut out the cook­ies and bake them piece by piece. Dec­o­rate with wafers, inte­grate into the fes­tive set­ting, take pho­tos and go back to the begin­ning… The divi­sion of labour worked per­fect­ly, although the wafers some­times proved to be so affec­tion­ate that spon­ta­neous emer­gency oper­a­tions with a lot of patience, sen­si­tiv­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty became nec­es­sary. Of course, a small Christ­mas mir­a­cle could not be miss­ing: some Opladen had been pro­duced in wise fore­sight in mul­ti­ple copies, so that we did not have to devi­ate from our goal of a com­plete cov­er­age of the METAV exhibitors reg­is­tered so far.

Just in time for Christ­mas, the exhibitors at METAV 2020 will now receive a Christ­mas greet­ing: a pho­to of their own stand space with which cus­tomers, employ­ees and friends can get in the mood for the con­tem­pla­tive days and METAV 2020 on the respec­tive social media plat­forms. As at EMO Han­nover, our team will ensure that all posts are linked to the METAV accounts and shared.

By the way: With bis­cuits it will go on at the METAV. Because on Thurs­day evening, 12 March 2020, the “sin­gende Nussecke” Guil­do Horn will rock the METAV net­work evening! Tick­ets are lim­it­ed and can only be pur­chased by exhibitors. Invite your cus­tomers to the trade fair par­ty of the year and cel­e­brate 40 years of METAV with us!

The exhibitors post­ed their pho­to on Face­book, Twit­ter or LinkedIn with the Hash­tag #METAV2020 and linked the accounts of METAV Düsseldorf:

LinkedIn:            @METAV Düsseldorf

Face­book:          @METAV Düsseldorf

Twit­ter:               @METAVonline

In this way they got their cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, employ­ees and friends in the right mood for the Christ­mas sea­son and the upcom­ing METAV and give us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to link and share their mail and draw the atten­tion of our fol­low­ers to their companies.

We wish you all the best for the fes­tive sea­son and would be delight­ed to cel­e­brate 40 years of METAV with you at our net­work par­ty on Thurs­day evening, 12 March 2020! The tick­ets are lim­it­ed and can only be pur­chased by exhibitors from mid-Jan­u­ary 2020 in the OOS. Invite your cus­tomers to the trade fair par­ty of the year and cel­e­brate our anniver­sary with us.

(The bak­ing team: Vibeke Hoff­mann, Götz Görisch, Susan­na Her­bert, Karen Schütz, Oliv­er Schnei­der, Dr. Ste­fan Schwa­neck. Pic­tures: Oliv­er Schnei­der, Dr. Ste­fan Schwa­neck. Text: Dr. Ste­fan Schwaneck)

Pic­tures: Oliv­er Schnei­der, Dr. Ste­fan Schwaneck

Standplätzchen Foto: Stefan Schwaneck


Categories: 2019, Dezember