Countdown to EMO Hannover 2019

The EMO in a nutshell – The EMO Hannover 2019 Preview provides a foretaste of the world’s leading trade fair for the metalworking industry

Hanover, 03 september2019.

Preview 2017: exhibitors and journalists
Pre­view 2017: exhibitors and journalists

More than 80 jour­nal­ists from over 30 coun­tries and from all media gen­res will be guests at the EMO Han­nover 2019 Pre­view on July 3/4. There they will meet 38 exhibitors from nine coun­tries, main­ly from the machine tool, tool and com­po­nent build­ing indus­try. “We are most encour­aged by the high lev­el of inter­est already being shown in the run-up to EMO and are expect­ing to see a var­ied pro­gramme in which exhibitors will be giv­ing a con­cise overview of their trade fair inno­va­tions and pro­vid­ing a first glimpse of the new devel­op­ments that vis­i­tors can expect to see at EMO Han­nover from 16 to 21 Sep­tem­ber,” says Dr. Wil­fried Schäfer, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of EMO organ­is­er VDW (Vere­in Deutsch­er Werkzeug­maschi­nen­fab­rikenn – Ger­man Machine Tool Builders’ Association).

For the first time, inter­est­ed par­ties will be able to fol­low the Pre­view via a live stream.

Ger­man live stream:

Eng­lish live stream:

The Pre­view has adopt­ed the EMO Han­nover theme of Smart tech­nolo­gies dri­ving tomorrow’s pro­duc­tion! and will empha­sise the impor­tance of the EMO as the world’s lead­ing trade fair for met­al­work­ing. EMO is also an infor­ma­tion plat­form for show­cas­ing the future of pro­duc­tion tech­nol­o­gy. Accord­ing­ly, in his keynote speech at the Pre­view, Dr. Anselm Blocher of the Ger­man Research Cen­ter for Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (DFKI) will be report­ing on “Indus­try 4.0: Hur­dles and oppor­tu­ni­ties in actu­al pro­duc­tion”. The com­pa­nies will then illus­trate these views about the future of the indus­try in 120-sec­ond reports on their cur­rent offer­ings in the field of dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion and pro­duc­tion networking.

Pro­gramme and live stream

Jour­nal­ists and inter­est­ed par­ties who are not able to attend the Pre­view in per­son can view the live stream on Wednes­day, 3 July 2019. The pro­gramme in detail (sub­ject to change with­out notice):

12:00 noon Dr. Jochen Köck­ler, Chair­man of the DMAG Board of Man­age­ment Welcome
12:05 Dr. Wil­fried Schäfer, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor VDW The high­lights of EMO Han­nover 2019
12:35 Pitch­es from 13 exhibitors
13:05 Break
13:45 Dr. Anselm Blocher, Ger­man Research Cen­ter for Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (DFKI), Saarbrücken
Keynote speech: “Indus­try 4.0: Hur­dles and oppor­tu­ni­ties in actu­al production”
14:15 Pitch­es from 12 exhibitors
14:45 Break
15:15 Pitch­es from 13 exhibitors

For the jour­nal­ists present, the pro­gramme will con­tin­ue with inter­views and, on 4 July 2019, with a vis­it to the Han­nover Cen­tre for Pro­duc­tion Tech­nol­o­gy – PZH.

Author: Ste­fan Schwa­neck, VDW Press and Pub­lic Relations

Categories: 2019, September