EMO Hannover TRENDSPOTS — Discover the product innovations of the world of metalworking: No. 2

Batch size one – and quick about it! 

In the run-up to EMO Han­nover 2019, BAM GmbH is launch­ing its new dig­i­tal man­u­fac­tur­ing plat­form up2parts. This online por­tal for cus­tom man­u­fac­tur­ing com­po­nents aims to elim­i­nate time-con­sum­ing e‑mail inquiries and lengthy pur­chas­ing timeframes.

ROLLON Werkstück-Handling Industriemaschinen
ROLLON Werk­stück-Han­dling Industriemaschinen

BAM GmbH spe­cial­izes in using mechan­i­cal machin­ing and addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es to pro­duce com­plex met­al and plas­tic com­po­nents to the tight­est of tol­er­ances. As dig­i­ti­za­tion and Indus­try 4.0 have gath­ered pace, the company’s port­fo­lio has also grown and now cov­ers every­thing from indi­vid­ual pro­to­types to high-vol­ume pro­duc­tion. Skilled spe­cial­ists use high-tech machines to turn and mill a range of items, includ­ing high­ly spe­cial­ized com­po­nents for lab­o­ra­to­ry equip­ment, sen­sors and con­nec­tion tech­nolo­gies. An in-house research and devel­op­ment depart­ment also works con­tin­u­ous­ly on inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the tra­di­tion­al man­u­fac­tur­ing and mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing indus­tries. The up2parts.com online por­tal marks a fur­ther mile­stone in the dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion for the man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tor in the run-up to EMO Han­nover 2019.

The new up2parts por­tal is an easy-to-use tool for order­ing cus­tom-made com­po­nents, thus herald­ing an end to time-con­sum­ing e‑mail inquiries and lengthy pur­chas­ing time­frames. It is designed to ensure no one will have to wait extra hours or even days to get cost­ings or quotes. Com­pa­nies and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als alike can upload their 3D data mod­el and find out in less than a minute how much the com­po­nent will cost. “No mat­ter whether com­po­nents are pro­duced using mechan­i­cal machin­ing process­es or addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing, our machine learn­ing algo­rithms cal­cu­late each price quick­ly and reli­ably,” says Mar­co Bauer, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of BAM GmbH.

This devel­op­ment is the result of a ful­ly inte­grat­ed approach to the pur­chas­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing process. Accord­ing to the com­pa­ny, even com­plex com­po­nents can be cre­at­ed online with just a few mouse clicks. “At the heart of the cost­ing process is our com­plex­i­ty fac­tor, which is eval­u­at­ed using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and is based on data from our company’s eight years of tech­ni­cal man­u­fac­tur­ing exper­tise,” says Dr. Chris­t­ian Hein­ing, Head of Research & Devel­op­ment. What’s more, up2parts guar­an­tees last­ing data secu­ri­ty, with all servers locat­ed in Euro­pean data cen­ters and meet­ing inter­na­tion­al and coun­try-spe­cif­ic standards.

BAM GmbH (92637 Wei­den, Ger­many), Hall 9, Stand F32

Con­tact: Mar­co Bauer

Tel.: +49 961 6000–0

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Smarter lubri­ca­tion

Cas­trol is unveil­ing Smart­Con­trol – a new, exten­sive­ly auto­mat­ed solu­tion for intel­li­gent­ly man­ag­ing met­al­work­ing fluids.

When work­ing in any tech­ni­cal field, you’re bound to come across a whole host of con­fus­ing abbre­vi­a­tions, some of which will even leave insid­ers a bit baf­fled. And yet many of these can relate to impor­tant fac­tors that direct­ly influ­ence pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and effi­cien­cy, such as MWF, which stands for “met­al­work­ing flu­ids”. It cer­tain­ly can’t hurt to take a clos­er look at what lies behind the abbre­vi­a­tion – which is exact­ly what Cas­trol has done. “We at Cas­trol know that man­ag­ing cool­ing lubri­cants involves numer­ous man­u­al process­es. These include sam­pling, test­ing, con­trol mea­sures and doc­u­men­ta­tion, for instance, which isn’t an effi­cient use of our cus­tomers’ time and resources. That’s why we’ve devel­oped Cas­trol Smart­Con­trol – our auto­mat­ed solu­tion for real-time con­di­tion mon­i­tor­ing. When using Cas­trol Smart­Con­trol, our cus­tomers can man­age their cool­ing lubri­cants much more effec­tive­ly and effi­cient­ly and lim­it the asso­ci­at­ed HSSE risks,” explains Math­ias Buschbeck, Glob­al Indus­tri­al Strat­e­gy Imple­men­ta­tion Leader at Castrol.

Smart­Con­trol is thus a smarter way to man­age the con­di­tion of water-mis­ci­ble met­al­work­ing flu­ids. For exam­ple, it frees employ­ees up from hav­ing to car­ry out repet­i­tive, time-con­sum­ing and haz­ardous tasks. It works by inte­grat­ing XBB cool­ing lubri­cant tech­nol­o­gy from Cas­trol with advanced Indus­try 4.0 tech­nol­o­gy in the form of real-time con­di­tion mon­i­tor­ing. This makes it pos­si­ble to opti­mize MWF man­age­ment and min­i­mize faults. Smart­Con­trol con­tin­u­ous­ly mea­sures the con­cen­tra­tions, pH val­ues, con­duc­tiv­i­ty, tem­per­a­tures and vol­u­met­ric flow rates of met­al­work­ing flu­ids. Any devi­a­tion from the spec­i­fi­ca­tion sends an imme­di­ate warn­ing to com­pa­ny and pro­duc­tion IT sys­tems. As Smart­Con­trol does not require man­u­al sam­pling, no time is lost get­ting sam­ples to a lab and there­fore there are no delays due to late report ship­ping. What’s more, it cleans and cal­i­brates itself, thus ensur­ing con­tin­u­ous precision.

Cas­trol Lubri­cants UK Ltd. (Mitcheldean, Glouces­ter­shire GL17 OUQUK), 

Hall 6, Stand H51 

Con­tact: Andreas Osbar

Tel.: +49 40 6395–2222

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Mighty fine!

BIG KAISER, a sup­pli­er of high-pre­ci­sion tool­ing sys­tems, is at EMO Han­nover 2019 to show­case its inno­v­a­tive port­fo­lio of pre­ci­sion tools and tool hold­ers, includ­ing the new EWA – an intel­li­gent, ful­ly auto­mat­ic fine bor­ing tool.

BIG KAISER Präzi­sion­swerkzeuge AG from Switzer­land, a world-lead­ing sup­pli­er of high-pre­ci­sion tool­ing sys­tems and solu­tions for the met­al-pro­cess­ing indus­try, is exhibit­ing its range of inno­v­a­tive pre­ci­sion tools and tool hold­ers at EMO Han­nover 2019. The high­light of the company’s pre­sen­ta­tion at the show is the live demon­stra­tion of its new intel­li­gent, ful­ly auto­mat­ic EWA fine bor­ing tool on a FANUC CNC machine. The EWA ben­e­fits from ful­ly auto­mat­ic oper­a­tion, with no need for a human oper­a­tor, and does not have to be stopped to per­form mea­sure­ments or man­u­al fine bor­ing tool adjust­ments. This results in extreme­ly fast, accu­rate and cost-effec­tive fine bor­ing that saves users a great deal of time. Anoth­er auto­mat­ic mod­el on show is the EWE Down­size, the world’s small­est dig­i­tal fine bor­ing head, which con­nects wire­less­ly to smart­phones, tablets and even smart watch­es via an app.

That’s not all, though. Vis­i­tors to BIG KAISER’s stand can also see the high­ly accu­rate HSK-E50-HDC hydraulic chucks and the updat­ed ver­sion of the HDC‑J Hydraulic Chuck with Switch­able Coolant Sup­ply for high-pre­ci­sion cut­ting. In addi­tion to periph­er­al cool­ing, Jet-Through Hydraulic Chucks now also deliv­er coolant cen­tral­ly. Anoth­er exhib­it is the company’s new MEGA Micro Coolant Nut for the MEGA Micro Chuck 6S, which sup­plies coolant more effi­cient­ly to the micro cut­ting tool and has ide­al cre­den­tials for high-speed micro machin­ing down to diam­e­ters of just 6 mil­lime­ters. BIG KAISER’s CEO Reto Adam under­lines his company’s lead­ing role in devel­op­ing pre­ci­sion tools and tool hold­ers with high­ly advanced mechan­i­cal and elec­tron­ic con­trol tech­nolo­gies and is look­ing for­ward to wel­com­ing vis­i­tors from all over the world to the trade show. “We invite our friends, col­leagues and cus­tomers to come to EMO Han­nover and see how we are apply­ing our unique exper­tise to our lat­est prod­ucts,” he says.

BIG KAISER Präzi­sion­swerkzeuge AG (8153 Rüm­lang, Switzerland), 

Hall 3, Stand B14 

Con­tact: Mar­co Martinaglia

Tel.: + 41 448179270

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An elite part­ner with some­thing for everyone!

At EMO Han­nover 2019, BURKHARDT+WEBER is exhibit­ing a pow­er­ful hor­i­zon­tal MCX machin­ing cen­ter with inte­grat­ed pick-up sta­tion to demon­strate its trans­for­ma­tion from a machine man­u­fac­tur­er pure and sim­ple to a tech­nol­o­gy part­ner for its customers.

By its own admis­sion, BURKHARDT+WEBER (BW) has spent the past two years focus­ing on estab­lish­ing an unusu­al­ly small series of machines by its own stan­dards, but it is now once again pulling out all the stops at EMO Han­nover 2019. Among oth­er things, the com­pa­ny is using the world’s pre­mier trade fair for the met­al­work­ing sec­tor to show what it believes BW is now all about, with strong, high­ly indi­vid­u­al­ized machin­ing cen­ters adapt­ed to cus­tomer require­ments – entire­ly in keep­ing with the “Cus­tomized by BW” brand claim.

The con­cept of BW’s high­light at this year’s trade show is there­fore respond­ing to its cus­tomers’ calls for a machine that can han­dle par­tic­u­lar­ly long and heavy tools with large diam­e­ters while also com­ply­ing with the strin­gent dimen­sion­al and posi­tion­al tol­er­ances of the elec­tric motor hous­ing. Since it was also nec­es­sary to sup­port bor­ing depths of up to 1,100 mil­lime­ters in con­junc­tion with diam­e­ters of 680 mil­lime­ters – dimen­sions that quick­ly add up to a tool weight of over 75 kilo­grams – much orig­i­nal­ly point­ed to a ver­ti­cal turn­ing machine being the best fit. The inno­v­a­tive solu­tion ulti­mate­ly devised in col­lab­o­ra­tion with EMOD Motoren GmbH was admit­ted­ly very dif­fer­ent, com­bin­ing a pow­er­ful hor­i­zon­tal MCX machin­ing cen­ter and a pick-up sta­tion. At the end of the day, this pair­ing promis­es greater flex­i­bil­i­ty and high­er pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Vis­i­tors to EMO Han­nover 2019 who now also see them­selves more as tech­nol­o­gy part­ners than machine man­u­fac­tur­ers pure and sim­ple can see this sophis­ti­cat­ed sys­tem in all its glo­ry. “Nowa­days, peo­ple want more than iron and steel – espe­cial­ly in the case of large machin­ing cen­ters that often rep­re­sent a sig­nif­i­cant and strate­gic invest­ment for cus­tomers. Our projects aren’t sim­ply about the machine, but more about a holis­tic, for­ward-look­ing con­cept that requires us to become some­thing akin to a sys­tem sup­pli­er. This involves con­sid­er­a­tions such as process opti­miza­tion, inte­grat­ed pro­duc­tion and – nat­u­ral­ly – dig­i­tal­iza­tion,” says BURKHARDT+WEBER’s Sales Man­ag­er Michael Wied­maier in ref­er­ence to the company’s lat­est development.

BURKHARDT+WEBER Fer­ti­gungssys­teme GmbH (72760 Reut­lin­gen, Ger­many), Hall 12, Stand D36

Con­tact: Ali­na Bachofer

Tel.: +49 7121 315–0

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Roll on over!

In addi­tion to auto­mat­ic machine doors and effi­cient motion con­cepts for work­piece han­dling sys­tems – ROLLON GmbH is at EMO Han­nover 2019 to show­case its “Sev­enth Axis”, designed to pro­vide increased free­dom of move­ment to future han­dling robots.

Indus­tri­al lin­ear sys­tems must be able to oper­ate reli­ably over a long peri­od of time – often with high work­ing cycles and under crit­i­cal con­di­tions. To keep main­te­nance work and costs to a min­i­mum, they should also be easy to assem­ble and replace if nec­es­sary. Based in Düs­sel­dorf, ROLLON GmbH promis­es to deliv­er solu­tions that ful­ly meet these require­ments. Some forty years after it was found­ed, this glob­al­ly oper­at­ing com­pa­ny is now one of the lead­ing end-to-end sup­pli­ers of lin­ear tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions, offer­ing one of the most com­pre­hen­sive ranges of lin­ear guides, tele­scop­ic rails and lin­ear axes. It is now attend­ing EMO Han­nover 2019 to show­case its port­fo­lio of mod­u­lar lin­ear solu­tions for automat­ing indus­tri­al machin­ery. In addi­tion to auto­mat­ic machine doors and effi­cient motion con­cepts for work­piece han­dling sys­tems – the ROLLON “Sev­enth Axis” for han­dling robots is tak­ing cen­ter stage at the fair.

With this con­cept, ROLLON aims to con­sid­er­ably expand the oper­at­ing range of indus­tri­al robots in the future. The solu­tion has the entire robot move along a lin­ear axis, which expands its oper­at­ing range so it can per­form tasks in sev­er­al dif­fer­ent places. Avail­able in sev­en sizes, the shut­tle sys­tem fea­tures a mod­u­lar design and sup­ports long dis­tances and high dynam­ics. Accord­ing to its mak­ers, it can be eas­i­ly inte­grat­ed into exist­ing sce­nar­ios and move any type of robot weigh­ing up to 2,000 kg.

ROLLON GmbH (40589 Düs­sel­dorf, Ger­many), Hall 8, Stand D20

Con­tact: Susan Gabriel

Tel.: +49 4181 92892–0

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The future is smart!

SICK is gear­ing up for the smart pro­duc­tion struc­tures of the future – devel­op­ing intel­li­gent sen­sors that gath­er data and eval­u­ate it in real time, adapt to their envi­ron­ments, com­mu­ni­cate in net­works and per­form automa­tion func­tions independently.

SICK AG is one of the world’s lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of sen­sors and sen­sor solu­tions for indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions. At EMO Han­nover 2019, it is unveil­ing intel­li­gent sen­sors that pave the way for smart tasks by inde­pen­dent­ly per­form­ing automa­tion func­tions. Fur­ther inno­v­a­tive high­lights include high-per­for­mance inte­gra­tion solu­tions with seri­ous com­put­ing pow­er and impres­sive con­nec­tiv­i­ty for future-proof imple­men­ta­tion of Indus­try 4.0. What’s more, a new soft­ware prod­uct makes it pos­si­ble to con­fig­ure and mon­i­tor smart sen­sors in machine tools to pro­vide effec­tive sup­port for edge com­put­ing concepts.

As data sources for the smart fac­to­ry, the smart sen­sors and sys­tem solu­tions on show in Han­nover  are intend­ed to demon­strate how dig­i­ti­za­tion solu­tions can be put into prac­tice in machine tools. To ensure sen­sors and machines can com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er at all and to make process­es trans­par­ent, SICK offers a whole range of scal­able inte­gra­tion solu­tions. The Telem­at­ic Data Col­lec­tor TDC‑E, for exam­ple, is a gate­way sys­tem for mul­ti­sen­sor net­work­ing equipped with mobile com­mu­ni­ca­tions options boast­ing enhanced func­tions for cap­tur­ing, pro­cess­ing and trans­mit­ting process and sen­sor data. The data col­lect­ed, ana­lyzed and indi­vid­u­al­ly visu­al­ized by the TDC‑E should make the oper­a­tional sta­tus of the net­worked sen­sors sit­u­at­ed in a machine tool, togeth­er with the process­es in which they are used, entire­ly trans­par­ent. Mean­while, the Sen­sor Inte­gra­tion Machine from the SIM1012 prod­uct fam­i­ly aims to open up new pos­si­bil­i­ties for appli­ca­tions in smart machine tools, both today and in the future, thanks to its IoT gate­way func­tion­al­i­ty and adap­tive mul­ti­sen­sor inte­gra­tion. These two inte­gra­tion solu­tions make it pos­si­ble to trans­fer process‑, pro­duc­tion- and busi­ness-relat­ed data direct­ly to Eth­er­net field­bus­es or the cloud.

The Inte­gra­tion Solu­tions Field­E­cho soft­ware tool, which is also being show­cased at the trade fair, fea­tures a web-based graph­i­cal user inter­face (GUI) designed for para­me­ter­iz­ing and mon­i­tor­ing all IO-Link devices in a machine tool or plant. The enhanced acces­si­bil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy of the IO-Link data boost flex­i­bil­i­ty and avail­abil­i­ty, while the easy con­nec­tion via the PLC’s OPC-UA serv­er promis­es to trans­form Field­E­cho into a future-proof inte­gra­tion solution.

Sick AG (79183 Wald­kirch, Ger­many), Hall 9, Stand F32

Con­tact: Melanie Jendro

Tel.: +49 7681 202‑4183

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Kessler has no time for bigheads!

Kessler, a sys­tem sup­pli­er for the machine tool indus­try, is at EMO Han­nover 2019 to show­case its new MINI com­pact head. This lat­est addi­tion to the company’s Head line was designed to make the most of a machine’s work­ing space.

Kessler is well known in the sec­tor for sup­port­ing its cus­tomers with mod­u­lar prod­ucts for spe­cif­ic require­ments. In addi­tion to high-speed rotary and rotary tilt tables, the company’s port­fo­lio also includes direct­ly dri­ven 2‑axis heads com­plete with inte­grat­ed high-tech spin­dles. In-house pro­duc­tion ensures all mod­u­lar com­po­nents are equipped with the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of Kessler motors. To coin­cide with EMO Han­nover, Kessler is sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly adding to its mod­u­lar range of 2‑axis heads, motor spin­dles and rotary tilt tables. The 2‑axis heads from the company’s Head line are a real highlight.

A high­ly dynam­ic pow­er­house achiev­ing speeds of up to 20,000 rpm, the new MINI com­pact 2AH being unveiled in Han­nover has the abil­i­ty to reach loca­tions that are dif­fi­cult to access when machin­ing work­pieces with com­plex geome­tries or con­tours. This com­pact entry-lev­el 2‑axis head is equipped with spin­dles that were delib­er­ate­ly designed to be very short so as to increase the work­ing space in the machine.

Kessler rec­om­mends the short MT line spin­dle for machin­ing work­pieces large and small made of var­i­ous mate­ri­als. This spin­dle was devel­oped specif­i­cal­ly for use in direct­ly dri­ven, tilt­ing 2‑axis heads to gen­er­ate a high pow­er den­si­ty in the small­est of spaces. The low inter­fer­ence con­tour is designed to enable the MT line to machine larg­er work­pieces in the same work­ing space. The spin­dle – which is option­al­ly avail­able with shaft clamp­ing for high-pre­ci­sion turn­ing oper­a­tions – is also intend­ed for machin­ing with long bor­ing bars.

KESSLER Group (88422 Bad Buchau, Ger­many), Hall 9, Stand E70

Con­tact: Börne Rensing

Tel.: +49 7582 809–0

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Big news for big machin­ing jobs!

A real high­light among the extreme­ly effi­cient die- and mold-mak­ing solu­tions Oku­ma is exhibit­ing at EMO Han­nover 2019 is the new MCR‑S (Super) dou­ble-col­umn milling cen­ter for the high-pre­ci­sion 5‑sided machin­ing of large workpieces.


As the only end-to-end sup­pli­er in its sec­tor, Japan’s Oku­ma Cor­po­ra­tion is show­cas­ing a whole host of oth­er CNC machine tools, soft­ware solu­tions and intel­li­gent con­trol sys­tems along with its new MCR‑S (Super) dou­ble-col­umn milling cen­ter at EMO Han­nover. This milling cen­ter has been sin­gled out because it com­bines sev­er­al high-end func­tions and is designed to be per­fect for machin­ing press dies to the high­est standards.

The devel­op­ers’ aim is for future users of the MCR‑S to ben­e­fit from excep­tion­al dimen­sion­al accu­ra­cy and excel­lent sur­face qual­i­ty. The stur­dy dou­ble-col­umn design also opti­mizes sta­bil­i­ty and vibra­tion damp­ing. The process of man­u­fac­tur­ing press dies is sus­cep­ti­ble to tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions, so the MCR‑S has a ther­mo-friend­ly con­cept to com­pen­sate for ther­mal defor­ma­tions. It also boasts a swiv­el image sen­sor that is designed to ensure high­ly accu­rate mea­sure­ments at the cut­ting edge posi­tion and easy trace­abil­i­ty of all steps. What’s more, accord­ing to Oku­ma, hyper-sur­face tech­nol­o­gy helps elim­i­nate man­u­al fin­ish­ing, which means the raw mate­r­i­al can be processed faster – not least thanks to the high cut­ting capac­i­ty of the MCR‑S, which is designed to achieve an impres­sive face milling speed of 710 cm/min.

Oku­ma Cor­po­ra­tion (JPN-Aichi-Pref. 480‑0193, Japan), Hall 27, Stand D26

Con­tact: Nor­bert Teeuwen

Tel.: +49 2151 374–0

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A new era in print-ready strength 

Swedish-based VBN Com­po­nents AB sees the Addi­tive Man­u­fac­tur­ing Cir­cle at EMO Han­nover 2019 as the per­fect place to launch its new alloy Viben­ite 480, said to be unique in the world of addi­tive manufacturing.

VBN has declared itself the only com­pa­ny in the world that can print ful­ly func­tion­al com­po­nents in car­bide using EBM tech­nol­o­gy – and it is com­ing to Han­nover. By show­cas­ing its Viben­ite 480 alloy, the Swedish com­pa­ny aims to prove it is already pos­si­ble to 3D print mate­ri­als with an extreme­ly high car­bide con­tent. The new met­al is said to con­tain 65 per­cent car­bides, which the com­pa­ny claims is unri­valed in addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing and even con­sid­ered “impos­si­ble” by some. The car­bides are small and well dis­persed so that a tougher struc­ture can be achieved com­pared to con­ven­tion­al sin­tered car­bides. Accord­ing to the com­pa­ny, the cor­ro­sion-resis­tant mate­r­i­al has a hard­ness of ~ 66 HRC that has been mea­sured with a long-term heat resis­tance of 750 degrees Celsius.

The engi­neer­ing inno­va­tion is claimed to enable rapid prod­uct devel­op­ment for com­po­nents such as gear hobs and rock drills. What’s more, since the man­u­fac­tur­ing process is not restrict­ed by chip-form­ing machin­ing process­es, press­ing oper­a­tions or sin­ter­ing, prod­uct devel­op­ers can let their imag­i­na­tions run wild. Besides all that, the effi­cien­cy of 3D print­ing makes it far more envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly than con­ven­tion­al meth­ods. Viben­ite 480 is based on a met­al pow­der that is pro­duced on a large scale using gas atom­iza­tion, which report­ed­ly min­i­mizes both costs and envi­ron­men­tal impact. The new mate­r­i­al, which com­bines the tough­ness of pow­der-met­al­lur­gi­cal high-speed steels (PM-HSS) with the heat resis­tance of car­bides, is also known as a hybrid car­bide. “It is a par­tic­u­lar kind of sat­is­fac­tion to be able to offer our new hybrid cement­ed car­bide to cus­tomers who have been ask­ing for this for some time now,” says Ulrik Beste, CTO and one of VBN’s founders, before adding: “We are start­ing a new era in Swedish mate­r­i­al history!”

VBN Com­po­nents AB (75228 Upp­sala, Swe­den), Hall 9, Stand H20

Con­tact: Isabelle Bodén

Tel.: +46 702 362281

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Made for you! 

Span­ish com­pa­ny Soraluce S.Coop. is show­cas­ing a com­plete phi­los­o­phy at EMO Han­nover 2019 under the ban­ner #Made­ForY­ou. It aims to unlock added val­ue for its cus­tomers day in, day out.

Vis­i­tors to the Soraluce S.Coop. stand at EMO Han­nover can see for them­selves the four core areas that make up the company’s cus­tomer-cen­tric approach #Made­ForY­OU. Along­side “Intel­li­gent Machineplus” with its ground­break­ing machin­ing solu­tions and “Mul­ti­task / Mul­ti­tal­ent – All in one”, where it’s all about milling, turn­ing and grind­ing with a machine, there is valu­able infor­ma­tion about prac­tice-based ser­vices on offer under the ban­ner “Ser­vice with a pas­sion”. Final­ly, the “Pre­ci­sion” area shows how every cus­tomer can cre­ate their own masterpiece.

Soraluce S.Coop. is also look­ing to use EMO Han­nover 2019 to show the world that it is con­stant­ly ris­ing to the chal­lenge and is com­mit­ted to con­tin­u­ing to set key mile­stones in the machine tool indus­try with its unique and intel­li­gent tech­nolo­gies. Once again, Soraluce is keen to impress vis­i­tors in Han­nover with a live­ly show­case of high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts and cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed ser­vices. The cus­tomer is at the heart of every­thing. With its #Made­ForY­OU ini­tia­tive, the com­pa­ny aims to meet spe­cif­ic cus­tomer needs to unlock added val­ue for its cus­tomers day in, day out.

Soraluce S.Coop. (20570 Bergara (Gipuzkoa), Spain), Hall 13, Stand B38

Con­tact: Maite Riaño

Tel.:    +34 943 76 90 76

Mobile: +34 688 88 75 96

Send E‑Mail

For pho­tos and video clips, vis­it: Trendspots — Prod­uct Innovations

Categories: Allgemein